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In our lifetime, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer. While many people respond to current therapies, the response is often short lived, and the need for improved therapies is great. Swim Across America sponso.rs open water swim events with the goal of raising money to fund cancer research. I joined the SAA community so that, together, we can change the future for many cancer patients. My family and I are challenging ourselves by swimming in the Charlotte Open Water Swim and raising as much money as we can to fight cancer. I'll be swimming a half mile, Ellie (14). Abby (18), and Ben (22) will swim the 2 mile swim. Don't worry - I won't drown - my kids assure me they'll pull me to shore if necessary. Please support us by making a gift. The money you give will go towards cancer research, prevention and treatment and will make an impact in the fight to find a cure.
Thank you for your generosity and may it lead to a cancer-free world!
You can make a credit card donation here (click the Donate Now button on the top right), or send a check to Swim Across America, 11600 N. Community House Rd., Suite 100, Charlotte, NC 28277.
Check should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning my name as the swimmer you are supporting!