Welcome to Patti's Page
Dear Friends and Family,
We are rolling out our 12th Swim Across America Event supporting Rush on August 3, 2024. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting Emily Phillips Crabtree, she is our patient and friend and team co captain who has a personal fight going on with a persistent cancer called a sarcoma. She has been an avid supporter of SAA but has not been able to swim due to her treatments. Her friends and family have been her swimmers. Her energy and smile and strong dislike of cancer is what we need on this team. I will be rolling out my WONDER WADERS COSTUME again and wading at the event!!! Emily will be recovering from one more surgery related to her cancer care so will be remote.
This year I am honoring all my patients and friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer....past....present ...and future.
I am hoping to show RUSH and all Cancer patients and survivors and those who did not survive this terrible disease and the families and friends of those cancer patients that we are here to support cancer research at Rush. We hope to make cancer disappear and currently Rush and our partner M.D, Andersonis doing sooooo much research of treatments focused on many different types of cancer. As the CO captain of the Rush University Medical Center and Midwest Orthopaedic at Rush Team I appeal to you to swim or donate. I understand that these are tough times financially for soooooooo many. Every little bit helps. Please be kind to one another.
Thank you
CO Captain Patty
You can make a credit card donation here, or send a check to: Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd. #389, c/o SAA-Chicago, Charlotte, NC 28210