Welcome to My Personal Page
Cancer is a horrendous disease that has touched so many individuals and families. Our family has lost loved ones, and many others close to me are survivors because of advancements in detection and treatments. Others are currently fighting cancer and looking for cures with the latest science and success available.
Everyone wants to hear "I love you". No one wants to hear "you have cancer" but if you do, you want to hear "there is hope". Swim Across America inspires because it provides hope. You can swim, volunteer, or donate. All proceeds from our charity swims are granted to find new cures.
This year is SAA - Chicago's 30th Anniversary! Mark and I have been involved for all of those years and my big Irish Catholic family has been there since Day 1 as well. Our family team has grown to include friends, cousins, our children, nieces, nephews, in-laws and so many more. We come, we swim (which is not easy for all) and we continue to provide much-needed attention and funds for cancer research. Here's a link to a quick story on Team Kennedy Family and Friends Team Kennedy Family & Friends
Please consider making a 100% tax-deductible donation to our efforts. All donations to the SAA-Chicago swim are granted to fund research at Rush University Cancer Center.
You can make a credit card donation by clicking the DONATE button, or send a check to Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd., #389, Charlotte, NC 28210. Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning my name / our team as who you are supporting.
Please consider making a 100% tax-deductible donation to our efforts. All donations to the SAA-Chicago swim are granted to fund research at Rush University Cancer Center.
You can make a credit card donation by clicking the DONATE button, or send a check to Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd., #389, Charlotte, NC 28210. Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning my name / our team as who you are supporting.
Thank you in advance for your continued support. Come join us in Chicago or at any one of our other charity swims across the country.