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2024 Detroit - Motor City Mile Open Water Swim

Jim Kuntz
Jim Kuntz

Team Jim Kuntz (Water Safety)

The Swim Across America - Motor City Mile water safety team recently lost one of our own in a tragic accident. Jim Kuntz was a passionate and dedicated member of our team since the beginning - 13 years ago. He was up before sunrise setting the course, then monitoring the swimmers by kayak on the most challenging part of the course. Many swimmers encountered Jim over the years and he was always calm, kind, and encouraging to help them succeed in completing their goal. 

The Detroit Yacht Club Islanders swim team also had a private donor sponsoring their participation in the Motor City Mile over the years and it is with a heavy heart we share it was Jim who generously cheered them on.

Jim was recently a cancer survivor thanks to University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center. He credited their care as the reason he was able to conquer his challenging diagnosis.

The water safety team will miss our dear friend and we will continue to ensure the safety of our swimmers in his honor.


Thank you for helping us #MakeWavesToFightCancer.

You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team below, or send a check to:

Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd. #389, Charlotte, NC 28210

Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!

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