I am swimming for Dave Braun, Jerry Kuroghlian, and Hugh Levin.
Dear friends and family,
I am swimming to honor the faith and courage of two incredible men who both fought pancreatic cancer—Dave "P-Pop" Braun and Jerry “Dr. K” Kuroghlian.
This year, I am sad to add my longtime mentor and friend, Hugh Levin, to this list. Hugh was a longtime supporter of my fundraising while quietly fighting pancreatic cancer for many years. Now I swim in Hugh’s name, too.
This is a way to give thanks for—and celebrate—these wonderful men in all the roles in which they have touched our lives, as husbands, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, friends, teachers, and mentors as Dave, Jerry, and Hugh were—and remain—to all of us.
Over these four years, together we have raised over $14,000! I am so humbled by and grateful for your continued support. Maybe some of these dollars will be the ones that help fund a cure.
Thank you for joining me in raising money and honoring Dave, Jerry, and Hugh. I miss them all every day.
With love and appreciation,