Welcome to My Personal Page
Cancer is a killer, you never know its coming, it’s random.
It killed my grandmother, it's killed friends, some in the last year.
I have other family members living with it. Friends that are survivors and currently in treatment and trials.
We all do.
So what can we do about it....Give to Swim Across America. They are saving lives. I joined the SAA community with Kelly so that, together, we can change that. This year with no actual swim, I will play tennis 20 times this summer and am asking friend to just join this by donating $50.00.
Please support me by sponsoring my swim and making a gift. The money you give will go towards cancer research, prevention and treatment and will make an impact in the fight to find a cure. Thank you for your generosity and may it lead to a cancer-free world !
You can make a credit card donation here, or send a check to Swim Across America, help me make a difference.