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2024 LIS - Long Island Sound Open Water Swim

Team Mackey 2023
Team Mackey 2023

Team Mackey



TEAM MACKEY (2024 Edition)


Michael Kelly  Nancy Maloney

Aaron Kwittken Molly Hurley 

Drew McCormack  Jocelyn Zhu 

 Patrick McNamara Quentin Ball

  Noemie Chemali Brian Kaminer

       Jane, Chris, Tommy and Cathy Mackey (dryland members)

While Team Mackey has had a change in its roster over its ten -year existence, we are still a strong team that is motivated by our inspiration, Bill (who succumbed to cancer in 2023 after a decade-plus long battle) as well as the SAA itself - celebrating its 37th year in existence and 32st anniversary of the Long Island Sound swim in Larchmont.   Weather was perfect for last year's event and we are hoping for a repeat this year. As for Team Mackey, we continue to be inspired by the tenacity of the researchers who are making tangible progress in finding cures for cancer and the courageousness of those and their families afflicted by this disease. Equally, we remain humbled by the knowledge that ones loved dearly will pass before specific cures for their affliction may be found.

So please help us again Make Waves to Fight Cancer!




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You can make a donation online by clicking on the 'Donate Now' button on this page. 


If you prefer to donate via check, please send check donations to Swim Across America, PO Box 217, Larchmont, NY 10538.


Check should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!






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