This is my 24th (and second to last ) year swimming with Team Kelly. My request for support from you provides the "why am I am still doing this"-details, so I won't repeat them. Cancer still touches and too often takes away people we love. Please join with us to raise money to combat this indiscriminate disease, support those who struggle to survive it and honor those who have been taken from us.
Any amount of support helps; Our swim is less than two weeks away on July 27; so to avoid us stalking you, please just click the link below today --and remember it's tax deductible.
You can make a credit card donation here, or if you prefer (but we hope you don't because it takes a while to process) send a check directly Swim Across America, P.O. Box 217, Larchmont, NY 10538 and put the name of the swimmer you are supporting and "Team Kelly" in the "re" line.
Thank you--only one more year and then Team Kelly heads to the locker room :)