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2024 Seattle Open Water Swim

Team Todaro

Thank you for visiting the “Team Todaro” page and my personal page.

In 2016, when I was beginning my cancer treatment at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), my friend swam in Swim Across America in my honor. Having just started chemo, I came to watch, but I could not swim that year. I promised myself that, every year I am able, I will participate to raise money and show support for SCCA in this event.

In 2017, with a team of friends making up “Team Todaro,” I swam a mile to raise money for SCCA, the the incredible team that saved my life and planned my treatment so that I could continue to be an athlete.

I am honored that so many friends have joined “Team Todaro” the past few years. And I hope to have many of you join us again - either in the water in Seattle or virtually.  

I swim in honor of friends and family whose lives have been touched and impacted by cancer. And I continue to swim with the hope that those “watching from the shore” will get back in the water, as I could. 

Much love and gratitude. 

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