The Eastlake Swim & Dive team is so excited to participate in Swim Across America this September! We are honoring our incredible long-time head coach, Coach Ruge, who overcame breast cancer and who makes our swim & dive programs possible. Additionally, we are humbled to honor Lori Rowe, the most kind-hearted Office Manager who passed away to lung cancer last year - she has made a positive impact beyond just our school.
Our team will be swimming 0.5-2 miles in Lake Washington as a part of this fundraiser with Swim Across America. The Eastlake Swim & Dive team is beyond grateful to use our sport to honor, support, and cherish those in our immediate community and beyond who have been affected by cancer. We ask for your support for our open-water swim, to pay homage to the wonderful people in our life who’ve been impacted and to continue advancing cancer research efforts. Eastlake community, swim or not, please consider donating to support our efforts (ALL funds go straight to donation). WSPS ❤
2023 Eastlake Girls Swim & Dive Captains
Tiana Dumitrescu and Olivia Ong
If you have questions, would like to join as a non-swim & dive member, or have trouble donating, please contact Tiana Dumitrescu at 425-588-6630 or Olivia Ong at 425-305-6907.
If you are a member of this team and would like to customize this page with a special message or team photo, please contact us and we can designate you as the team captain.
You can make a donation online by clicking on the 'Donate Now' button on this page.
If you prefer to donate via check, please send check donations to Swim Across America - Seattle 6917 93rd Avenue SE Mercer island, WA 98040.
Check should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!
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