Team IBK will again represent the community of Innsbrook and beyond on Saturday, August 24 as it participates in the 9th Annual Swim Across America St. Louis Open Water Event at Alpine Lake.
We will support the fight to find a cure by participating, by volunteering, or by making a tax free contribution to support cutting-edge research at Siteman Cancer Center. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our team members and this very special event. May it lead to a cancer-free world!
You can make a credit card donation by clicking on the name of one of our team members, or send a check to:
Swim Across America - St Louis, PO Box 490, O'Fallon, IL 62269.
Thanks for joining us in Making Waves to Fight Cancer!
Swim Across America, Inc., [SAA] is dedicated to raising money and awareness for cancer research, prevention and treatment through swimming- related events. With the help of hundreds of volunteers nationwide and past and current Olympians, SAA is helping find a cure for cancer through athleticism, community outreach and direct service.
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