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2024 St. Louis Open Water Swim

Team Jessica & All Warriors

Jessica was such a team person, from working with her colleagues, living her best life with her husband and three kids, to pursuing personal interests and growth with others. She brought her best self to the table where she contributed both as a leader, guiding the group to a goal, or as a worker-bee, making an impact quietly in the background. How she contributed was less important than the act itself and making some kind of contribution to the things she cared about.

I know that eradicating cancer is something important to everyone, and if you are in the position to contribute (It’s okay if you are not at this time), here are a few options for getting involved or making a donation to help me reach the goal for Team Jessica and Other Warriors.

Option #1: You can join our team, swim alongside of us in-person and raise money for the cause. We would love to have you, and I encourage you to consider that opportunity, mostly because I would personally love to have as many friends and family there as possible. Just sign up!

Option #2: You can participate virtually! Who knew, right? Go through the registration process and choose SAA My Way (Virtual). You decide the personal challenge and fundraise for that challenge. A great option for those who want to change things up a bit.

Option #3: You can make a donation to one of the team members or on our team page. Any amount is helpful, so if you can, think about it. If you can’t at this moment in time, do think about making a contribution to the eradication of cancer when the moment is right for you. No pressure.

If you got this far, thank you for taking the time. I hope to see you in St. Louis, hear from you, and see your name on the participant or donor list.

Be well!

Candace, Team Captain



You can make a credit card donation by clicking on one of the members of our team below, or send a check to:

Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd. #389, Charlotte, NC 28210

Checks should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning our team or the swimmer you are supporting!

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