Welcome to My Personal Page
My name is Emmy Smithwick, and this year I will be participating in the Swim Across America program. Unfortunately, two teammates of mine lost their fathers to cancer, along with many others who have lost loved ones. For the past few years my team has participated in this event, but this year, organized by one of my teammates, we will be hosting our own SAA event. I am challenging myself by swimming and raising as much money as I can to fight against cancer. I would appreciate it if you please support me by sponsoring my swim and making a gift. The money that I, and the rest of my team, raises will go towards cancer research to make an impact through prevention and treatment to find a cure. Thank you for your generosity, and may it help lead us towards a cancer-free world!
You can make a credit card donation here, or send a check to Swim Across America, 8508 Park Rd. #389, Charlotte, NC 28210.
Check should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning my name as the swimmer you are supporting!