Swimming to Fight Cancer!
I am swimming in Swim Across America because fighting cancer is important.
I am swimming in honor of everyone who has had to battle cancer, but two people in particular: Cora K. and my art teacher. Cora is the four-year old daughter of a family friend who has been bravely battling leukemia for over a year. I hope that she and my teacher continue to win their battles, and that with additional research, someday others won’t have to experience what they have.
My goal is to raise $250 to fight cancer and to help try to make the world a better place.
I am challenging myself to swim a half-mile. Please support me by sponsoring my swim and making a gift. Thank you for your generosity!
You can make a credit card donation here, or send a check to Swim Across America, PO Box 217, Larchmont, NY 10538.
Check should be made out to Swim Across America but please include a note mentioning my name as the swimmer you are supporting!